Fictional Nike Jerseys implented on NCR's roster.
- means that is not an official jersey of a team but made and designed by a fan.
~ I made these jerseys to make the game more enjoyable to play.
(NCR v4.1) Credits to NCR owner
Download here:
english file:
(required to download so that the "Fictional Nike Edition" selection on Team Selection appear.)
~ some accessories, shoes and socks colors are not yet final/fixed.
~ will be implented on the next major update release of NCR roster.
~ the filenames are assigned and made by myself.
I'm almost finished making jerseys 21 out of 30 but I will only release 16 of them and will be included on the next parts releases.
~~ remove space between period (.) and ink then proceed to download!
Part 1 -
https://clk. ink/mV45Q (contains Hawks, Nets, Celtics, Bulls, Cavs)
Part 2 - https://clk. ink/HrCXL (contains Warriors, Rockets, Pacers, Lakers, Bucks)
Part 3 - https://clk. ink/SsavtPO2 (contains Heat, Knicks, Thunder, Sixers, Kings, Raptors)
Click here to proceed to the old site of the jersey